Guilt free snacks that can be had during lockdown hunger

Snacking can be unhealthy but when they are substituted with something healthy, your lockdown can be made guilt-free


The coronavirus pandemic is a time when governments across the nation have implemented lockdowns for the safety of the people and to prevent any further spread of the virus. This means that a number of people continue to remain confined at homes while working from home or students who have to attend online classes. This is also a time when people might become prone to put on some extra weight. Being at home can make you prone to low activity levels and that could induce weight gain. But here are some of the snacks that you can have which are guilt free and healthy during the lockdown.

1. Dry fruits and nuts – Dry fruits and nuts are healthy, filling and stuffed with nutrients. They are not just guilt free, but also take care of the temporary hunger pangs in between meals. They are not just good for the metabolism of the body but is also helps to control the appetite. They are also great for the gut health and could also be combined with salads.

2. Eggs – The are one of the best snacks that can be had almost any tie of the day. They are packed with protein and can be had in any form. Boiled or scrambled, eggs make a great snack with almost anything. They are nutritious and is also easy to make.

3. Peanuts and jaggery – Jaggery and peanuts is the most earthy combination that can also satisfy your craving to have something sweet. Jaggery is good for health and they contain anti-oxidants along with amino acids. Peanuts make a great snack to fill the stomach and are stuffed with nutrients.

4. Oats – Oats contain plenty of fibre and can be had for breakfast or for that snack time between meals. It is always great to have a bowl of oats than filing the stomach with an unhealthy pack of chips. It can be eaten with milk and sugar or can be made in to a savoury dish.

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