What should COVID-19 patients eat during quarantine and after recovery

What should COVID-19 patients eat during quarantine and after recovery


COVID-19 is all about the immunity of the body. The virus attacks the body when the immune system is weak. Even after you get infected, it is important that you don’t allow the virus to spread further. That would mean that you will have to take proper medications and a proper diet that would help to rebuild the immunity levels.

What should COVID-19 patients eat when they are under home isolation

When the patient is under the hospital care, there is practically no choice as you have to eat what the facility provides. But when in home isolation, you can have some choice and be careful about what food you will be consuming. Since the person is under isolation, it would mean that there is not much physical activity which could also suppress your appetite. A suppressed appetite is also a symptom of COVID-19 which means there is nothing to worry about.

The patient could also have nausea which could make things worse. Under such circumstances, it is advised for the patient to consume boiled eggs, fresh and seasonal fruits, juices or milk. Make sure that they avoid things like ice-cream or other sugary foods. Coconut water can be a great drink to restore the electrolytes that have been lost in case of vomiting episodes. They can also consume dry fruits, hot soups of their choice and lentils.

What should not be consumed while recovering

It is strongly advised that COVID-19 patients in home isolation should not consume cold foods like curd, ice-cream and other sugary foods. The patient can have small meals in a day to make the digestion process easy for the body as there is no physical activity. Consumption of alcohol should also be avoided as it can make things worse and the healing process could also become slow.

Note: When in home isolation, it is important to keep checking the oxygen saturation levels and remain in touch with your doctor.

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