Two effective remedies to get rid of itchy scalp during winter season

An itchy scalp can be irritating and also embarrassing but a few effective home remedies can give ample relief

itchy scalp

An Itchy scalp is a very common problem during the winter season. While many people would want to approach the dermatologist for the problem, the solution lies with a few simple home remedies. When the scalp becomes dry, the scaly texture can lead to itchiness which could also be embarrassing. If the problem is ignored, then it could also lead to hair fall problems. Here are two of the most effective home remedies that can help to solve the problem of scalp itchiness during winter season.

1. Hot oil remedy – One of the major reasons for itchiness of the scalp is dryness. During the winter season, the scalp tends to become dry due to the weather and also due to the reduction in the water intake. Hot oil treatment can be very effective as it helps to lock the moisture in the scalp and also makes the hair healthy and glossy. You just need some coconut oil/olive oil/almond oil to be mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil. Additionally you can also add the serum of a vitamin e capsule.

Just heat some of the oil mixture. Make sure that is oil is warm enough for you to touch it. With the help of a cotton ball, apply the oil directly on the scalp and apply the remaining oil to the hair length. Give yourself a ten minute massage and leave it to rest for at least 40 minutes.

2. Apple cider vinegar – An itchy scalp is also caused due to a bacterial overgrowth that can lead to dandruff. When this happens, it has to be toned down by balancing the pH level of the scalp. Apple cider vinegar is a natural ingredient that can help to deal with flaky scalp and dandruff. It also makes the hair shiny and soft.

You need to dilute two tablespoons of ACV in to a mug filled with water. Run the mixture over your hair that is freshly washed. Massage for two minutes and rinse with cold water.

Photo Credits: Pixabay