Hy-Vee to launch automated cleaning system of shopping carts

Hy-Vee will become the first grocery store chain to introduce an automated cleaning system for shopping carts

shopping carts

The coronavirus pandemic started off in December, 2019 and has now spread across the globe and is continuing to spread the infection across continents. During this era, hygiene has become a major issue and grocery remains basic and essential and unavoidable. Shopping for groceries has become a task now as people are now scared of touching different surfaces. But the United States based supermarket chain Hy-Vee has brought a solution by introducing the automated cleaning system for the shopping carts in its stores.

The company has assured that by mid-November, 2020, it will be implementing the Sterile Cart System at more than 200 stores in eight states. This will be the first grocery store to take up such an initiative that will be taking care about the safety of its customers who are handling the grocery carts that could be infected. Under the system, the grocery carts will be cleaned instantly without much efforts and the staff members will not have to make any manual efforts to clean the cart after every use. The system will clean the entire cart and not just the handles and the high-touch surfaces.

Randy Edeker, the CEO and President of Hy-Vee said that since the beginning of the pandemic, they wanted their customers to be relaxed and not worried about the sanitization process. Edeker added that they are constantly looking forward to introduce innovative ideas that will improve the store operations and also the shopping experience of the customers. The CEO also said that the safety of their customers is their top priority.

Under the Sterile Cart System, there is a low-pressure spray system that will disinfect the carts and will also dry it out before it is used. It requires a small space and can be installed where the shopping carts are returned. Even at the beginning of the pandemic, Hy-Vee took efforts to clean and sanitize the carts throughout the day and also made available sanitization wipes for the customers.

Photo Credits: Pixabay