Effective Coronavirus vaccine might not end the pandemic

Health experts have warned that a safe and effective vaccine for coronavirus might not bring an end to the pandemic


The world is waiting for the much awaited safe and effective vaccine for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Many lives have gone and a number of people continue to suffer due to the novel coronavirus infections. All are under the impression that a proper vaccine could bring an end to the pandemic. But that could not be the case. Doctors from UPMC have said that an effective and safe vaccine would not bring an end to the pandemic.

Dr. Oscar Marroquin has explained and has called the virus as incredibly dynamic and added that the ways people are responding to the virus and the treatment prescribed by the doctors are changing constantly. However, Dr. Donald Yealy, a senior medical director at UPMC has said that compared to the spring, a very few people are dying and the recovery rate has also increased. Moreover, even the length of hospitalization, need for the ventilators and the deaths rates have also gone down.

The health experts at UPMC have said that the encouraging numbers means a better knowledge of the virus and its possible strategies for treatment. Some of the seriously ill patients are being treated with steroids, which is actually helping people to recover from the disease. But the doctors have warned that the disease is not going away despite a safe and effective vaccine as they might not be a complete solution. The experts have also said that they cannot predict how the virus would react in future and what would be its severity.

Certain things that have not changed through the pandemic is the fact that wearing masks and following social distancing rule, reduces the risk of the infection. People who are elderly or have underlying conditions are the most vulnerable. It is also found that the virus finds the most vulnerable people and they need to be extra careful and cautious while venturing out.

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