Tips for would-be brides ready to get married during lockdown

Lockdown weddings can be a tough call for would-be brides and a few tips can help her enjoy the new phase


There are many couples out there who had planned a summer wedding but had to postpone it due to the coronavirus pandemic. While the lockdown measures are in place due to safety reasons, some have decided to have an intimate wedding that will include only the immediate family members. Having an intimate wedding means, no guests and no extravagant decorations just the bride and the groom taking their vows to be together in thick and thin for happily ever after. The would-be brides might be under dilemma with many things and here are a few tips that can be followed.

1. Do the make-up yourself – As far as possible do the make up yourself and if you are still not confident enough, then you can ask your make-up artist to use your products on the wedding day.

2. Avoid sharing water bottles – No matter what, do not share your water bottle or any other personal hygiene things like towels.

3. Keep drinking water – On the big day, keep drinking water and stay hydrated with fluids at regular intervals, so you don’t get infected easily.

4. Stick to the plan – Do not try making any changes at the last moment in an attempt to make it special. Stick to the plan that has been decided mutually. Last minute changes can ruin things.

5. Enjoy your day – Now that you are having an intimate wedding, you can still enjoy by hosting a few intimate pre-wedding parties with your family members and make it memorable. One or two functions can be hosted.

6. Do not allow negative thoughts – You might have dreamt about having an extravagant and a grand wedding amidst friends and relatives, but at present what matters the most is your family and your partner with whom you are about the spend the rest of your life. Do not let negative thoughts conquer you and think otherwise. The safety of yourself and your family should be more important.

Photo Credits: Pixabay