Flight attendants appeal to stop flights for leisure travel due to coronavirus pandemic

As more flight attendants are getting infected, a union has urged to stop leisure travel amidst the coronavirus pandemic


The coronavirus outbreak has not just put to risk the lives of the frontline workers in the medical and sanitization field but has also left the flight attendants vulnerable. One of the flight attendant spoke from the hospital bed and appealed people not to travel for unnecessary purposes. April Rodriguez, who was struggling to talk between breaths, also appealed her colleagues not to fly and stay at home. Rodrigues talked through an Instagram post was seen talking with oxygen tubes coming out of her nose as she talked to the camera while wearing black framed glasses.

The video saw April struggling to talk between deep breaths and stressed that it was not worth it is best to forget about the bills and mortgage and stay at home. Coronavirus is continuing to infect more people across the globe and many of the flight attendants are stressing on the airlines to cut more flights to stop the spread of the virus. The ongoing pandemic has already slashed the capacity to 90 percent and the infected flight attendants are appealing to slash more flights. Rodriguez is a Jet Blue Airways flight attendant, who had tested positive for COVID-19 and posted the message on March 23, 2020.

About a week before the video was posted, flight attendant Paul Frishkorn, an American Airlines flight attendant passed away due to the virus in Philadelphia. In recent times more than 150 flight attendants have been infected of the virus and hundreds of other flight attendants have been sent to be quarantined. Representatives from the airline have assured that they have a system where they inform the employees if they might have come in contact with a staffer who had tested positive for COVID-19.

A flight attendants union has appealed to the U.S. Department of Transportation recently while urging to stop all the leisure air travel and allow only the emergency travel like flying medical supplies to some of the hard hit areas.

Photo Credits: Pixabay