Rutgers University Suicide: Body Of Tyler Clementi Finally Identified


Updated Trends: Rutgers University Suicide: Body Of Tyler Clementi Finally Identified

In the latest development in the Rutgers University Suicide, the deceased’s body of Tyler Clementi has finally been finally identified. Tyler was a victim of ravaged behavior by the society towards homosexuals or gays, as Clementi was known to be one of them. It was apparently after he came to know, that his room mate had secretly made sex tapes of him with another boy, when it completely devastated him.
Tyler Clementi

Homosexuality is still a taboo in many societies around the world, even though the government has made it permissible. Families from a normal neighborhood will never want their children to have an affection and feeling in them after they grow up, which would later make the society call the Gay’s or Lesbians.

Same was the case with Tyler Clementi, he never spoke out about it, but when the society reacted over him, in an unlawful manner, it finally resulted in his suicide. Dharun Ravi and Molly Mei have been charged of making Tyler’s sex tapes and publishing them over the internet, they will be facing the court soon. But for Tyler’s family, it is really sad for them to loose their son, to such an evil of the society. Rest In Peace Tyler