Pakistan Airlines Plane Lands In Sweden On Account Of Bomb Scare


Updated Trends: Pakistan Airlines Plane Lands In Sweden On Account Of Bomb Scare

A Pakistan International Airlines plane had to land in Sweden, on account of a bomb scare on the flight. The Arlanda Airport Authorities of Stockholm have stated that the Boeing 777 of the PIA had to land in the capital city of Sweden, when it was known that there were some explosives being carried on board.

Pakistan International Airlines Bomb Stockholm

The airline was carrying some 273 people, and was en route to Karachi from Toronto, Canada. According to the Swedish authorities, they said that they had received some information about the explosives on board, by a woman in Canada. It is said that a man was carrying the explosives on the plane from Toronto.

The Police authorities are trying to find the man who has been suspected to be carrying explosives on board. The pilot had asked for permission to land in Stockholm, due to the bomb scare. For the moment all the passengers are on board and have not been evacuated from the plane and the airline has been parked at the very end of the runway strip for safety concerns.