Study says, facelift can make man look more trustworthy


A unique study by plastic surgeons has claimed that men who have cosmetic surgery are seen to be more attractive and trustworthy. The researchers have said that the facial nip and tucks can enhance the perceptions of noble characteristics. It is noticed that the number of male plastic surgery patients is increasing as the social media works in increasing the pressure to look good.

A recent survey by a leading daily has suggested that about 50 percent of men aged between 18 and 30 might consider going through a procedure. The new study has been published in the JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery and has found that such procedures can increase the perceptions of a number of traits like likeability, attractiveness, social skills and trustworthiness. Professor Michael Reilly, a senior investigator at Georgetown University Washington said, “The tendency to judge facial appearance is likely rooted in evolution, as studies suggest evaluating a person based on appearance is linked to survival. Our animal instinct tells us to avoid those who are ill-willed and we know from previous research that personality traits are drawn from an individual’s neutral expressions.”

In the study before and after pictures were taken of men, who had undergone procedures including reduction of lower eyelids, upper eyelid lifts, facelifts, brow-lifts, neck-lifts, nose jobs and chin implants. A group of 147 people were asked to rate their perception of each of the patient’s personality traits including the extroversion, aggressiveness, likeability, risk-seeking, sociability, trustworthiness, masculinity and attractiveness. It was found that the nose surgery helped to improve the overall attractiveness while only a neck-life increased the perception of masculinity.

The procedure of chin augmentation was the only procedure that did not have any effect on the perceived attractiveness, personality and masculinity. The authors say that this was due to the low number of study patients undergoing this procedure. Reilly has called for more studies to help cosmetic surgery to reach its full potential.

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