Researchers stress on balance of fats for a healthy diet

Researchers have argued that a healthy diet must contain a good balance of fats


Some of the public health guidelines like the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, since a long time have stressed on reducing dietary fat intake. But nutritionists and other health scientists now have more evidence that not all fats have bad effects on health. The dietary fats differ in terms of their effects on health and risk of chronic diseases which is particularly in regard to the effects on the risk for heart disease.

There are some nutritionists who now believe that there are also certain type of dietary fats that can actually help in reducing cardiovascular risk. There are dietary fats that lower fats in the blood and are called as triglycerides. They might also increase the level of HDL or what is known as the good cholesterol levels and helps in reducing the LDL cholesterol, which is also the less healthy cholesterol and thus improving the HDL to the total cholesterol ratio.

There are many diet plans that do not strictly limit the total amount of dietary fat that a person consumes and is associated with better diet satisfaction, preservation of muscle mass and weight loss. Researchers say that the concept of dietary fat is toxic and is also outdated and misguided. But there is one conclusive evidence that trans fat is a type of fat that does not have a place in a healthy diet and that it is important that the consumers begin to learn how to balance the other types of fats in the diet.

Not all the fats are alike but they do share a few things in common. They help in providing energy with about nine calories per each gram of fat and they are all broken down during the digestion process by the enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract and they are absorbed as fatty acids or chains of hydrogen and carbon. In conclusion it can be said that extremes of dietary fat intake too high or too low is indeed unhealthy.

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