How To Create A Vision Board For 2017 – Former Google Career Coach


The New Year is just around the corner! Can you even believe it? Where the hell did 2016 go? Oh, I’ll tell you where it went – in the deaths of legends, Hollywood break-ups, broken promises, debt, big mistakes – basically 2016 just went down the drain. I don’t know about you, but my 2016 was filled with nothings and now I find myself in December with a to-do list and nothing achieved on it.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey

Luckily, we have a new horizon. Don’t you just love it when you can screw up, but get back up again and set it all right again?! That’s the beauty of life. So, without getting too philosophical, I’m going to share the secret to creating a vision board for 2017 by a former Google Career Coach. If there’s anything different about this year to next year, it’s the inclusion of a vision board to guide me so I don’t find myself blindly walking into 2017. You see, I’m preparing myself for a transformative year, and I hope you do, too.

Jenny Blake has helped over 1,000 people figure out their lives. She is a former Google Career Coach and job strategist. That sounds like a hefty job title, but Jenny has lived it so she knows what she’s talking about.

If you want 2017 to be an exciting year, design it that way. – Jenny Blake

According to Blake, you need to create a “mind map” – a visual diagram of your interests and goals. This could determine what your next hobby, career change or project would be and will help you in setting out to achieve it. She swears by this method of creating the “mind map” whether it’s for new year resolutions or brainstorming at work. Here’s how you do it –

Write down the year at the center of the page. Now draw spokes around it, with each spoke being different themes that are most important to you. So each spoke could be like this – Personal, Professional, Romance, Health, Hobby, etc. Now, under each heading, you can write sub-headings or the actual goals you wish to achieve. For example, under Health you can write – exercise everyday for 1 hour and each fresh food. Or anything like that.

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Blake says: “With mind mapping you are taking pen to paper, going old school. The goal is to break out of linear thinking. Go broad. Go big. Go sideways, and then experiment to see which of your ideas is most likely to lead to a resonant next step.”

You can buy Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One” by Jenny Blake and watch your whole life is explode in new and exciting ways!