The Super Affordable Way To Convert Stick Lipstick Into A Liquid Lip


So these days liquid lipsticks are all the rage. They’re nifty, give your lips this full, long-lasting cover and pop with color. Major and minor brands alike are selling liquid lipsticks like hot cakes. Kylie Cosmetics, Sephora, Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Lime Crime and every other brand in between is at it with their tubes of lip perfection.

But let’s a face a fact – liquid lipsticks are expensive AF. Whether you’re dealing with a small brand or even one of the “designer” ones, a tube will retail for at least $18. And we’re talking about original brands. Those rip-offs end up being too streaky and dry your lips, leaving them chapped and peeling.

But what if there was a way to make your own liquid lip at home? Yup, and it involves taking just two products out from your vanity case and putting them to use. It’s that simple! Are you the kind of person who buys regular stick lipstick, uses it a few times and then it’s lying with other miscellaneous makeup, along with 50 shades of shades? (Guilty!)

Professional makeup blogger, Zohra came up with the perfect way you can make your own liquid lip at home. On her Instagram, she posted a video of the remarkable invention. Here’s what you will need:

  • stick lipstick
  • primer
  • syringe
  • liquid lip bottle (cleaned)


Take the stick lipstick and mash it on a flat surface. You will end up getting a creamy mash. Make sure there are no lumps left. Next, add a few squeezes of your favorite primer (it’s important to make sure that the primer you are using is safe for lips. The texture of your lips is totally different from your skin, so you need to check whether it will work on lips as well as if it is consumable, because you will end up eating some when you lick your lips or eat or drink something during the day. Just a precautionary warning). Next, mix well. Now using a syringe, scoop the mixture into a syringe, minus the needle (obviously!). Then jab into a cleaned liquid lip container. And voila! You are done! The result is flawless.

Hope you try it out and let us know what you think and if it worked perfectly for you. Have any other brilliant makeup suggestions? Let us know!