Wear Your Love’s Heartbeat Everywhere You Go


Hectic schedules and jobs that require traveling can have a negative effect on your relationship. Of course, there are a number of ways to stay in touch with your loved one, including FaceTime and Skype. However, just seeing them is totally different from being able to touch and feel them. Unless they invent a way to be omnipresent like the Gods, you and your beloved will need to wait until you can physically meet them again.

However, thanks to technology, you may be able to feel the pulse of your partner wherever you go. Can you believe it?! A company called TheTouch has crafted beautiful couple rings that you can wear on the ring finger (the same one that connects your life vein to the heart). At just a tap of the ring, a signal is sent to your lover’s ring and you get to see and feel their heartbeat at real time. There is nothing that could get you closer to someone you miss than to be able to feel their very pulse.

Feel your loved one’s heartbeat no matter where you are in the world

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If that wasn’t awesome enough, the rings are said to be indestructible – just like the love you two share. It is made of Unibody Sapphire Crystal and comes in two colours – Rose Gold and Stainless Steel. Your ring will be connected via Bluetooth, and you would need a good data connection to get the information from the other ring wearer. But, since WiFi is available literally everywhere now, your ring will work just fine, no problem.

TheTouch Heartbeat Ring – Features

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The Rose Gold rings are kind of limited edition and retail for $2990 a pair. They will be shipped by November 2016. The Stainless Steel version retails for $599 a pair. They will be shipped come December 2016. There’s free shipping and 60-day free return. Also, they’ve put a 10-year warranty on it, so basically the rings come with excellent post-sale service!

For more information, visit the Official Website of TheTouch.