Independence Day India 2010 – SMS Messages And Greeting Ideas To Celebrate The Day


Updated Trends: Independence Day India 2010 – SMS Messages And Greeting Ideas To Celebrate The Day

India is excited to celebrate the 63rd Independence day of the nation, and everyone will be celebrating the 15th of August in their own special way. Nowdays people send greeting SMS, messages and greeting emails to the fellow citizens of India, and this helps in promoting the patriotic spirit that runs in this diverse nation.
happy independence day

India has been independent for 63 years now and has developed from being a country that was ruled by the British, to a country that now is of great importance to the world. India has developed considerably and today we should be very proud of this nation, because in the span of just 63 years, this country has developed so much, that many countries who became independent with India or before that, are still lagging behind this nation in many terms.

On the 15th of August, India will be like a bride that has been made ready and her beauty will be seen in awe. India  has a huge population, but that should not be out weakness, but strength, that so many people in this country adore it and love it, and will be ready to anything for the betterment of this country.

Some beautiful lines and messages on the eve of India’s Independence Day –
Other might have 4gotten
But never can i
the Flag of my country
Furls very high
Happy Independence day!


Take a stand against evil, corruption & terrorism 4 we belong to India, a nation of pride
& we will thus say-”HINDU, MUSLIM, SIKH, ISAI, SAB HAI BHAI BHAI”.
God bless
jai hind!!!
