4 Ways to take care of aging skin


Looking old is not compulsory, find out ways on how to take care of aging skin.

Aging gracefully is undeniably a coveted dream for many. Aging affects the human body in various ways, health becomes more feeble and so does outer appearance. Skin tends to sag and this is most prominent around the areas of the neck and face.

Here are a few tips to take care of aging skin.

take care of aging skin

1. Begin skin care early – Once the skin gets sagged and old, then it becomes difficult to restore it. Begin to take care of your skin right from the early 30s when it is still subtle, soft and flexible. This is the age when you can give a good foundation to your skin which has already started showing early signs of aging. 

2. Healthy diet – A healthy diet is crucial for maintaining healthy looking skin. The skin needs plenty of vitamins, like A, C and E along with Selenium which is found in nuts, tuna and oatmeal. Drink plenty of water as it helps to keep the skin hydrated and glowing. Consume more citrus fruits which have more vitamin C and E.

3. Anti-ageing creams – The market is flooded with a bevy of anti-aging creams which are not that expensive. Go for the one that suits your the skin the best. Opt for herbal and natural creams as they are low on chemical content and are known to give better results.

4. Protect from harsh weather – Harsh weather conditions like extreme cold or heat are damaging to the skin. Too much sunlight causes the skin to age faster, wear a protective scarf to shield the face from sun damage and make sure to apply sunscreen atleast 15 minutes before you step outside.

Photo Credits: skinalive