Teenage girls have poor nutrition, says UK study


    Updated Trends: The Department of Health has recently warned about the eating habits of teenage girls in the UK. According to a study conducted in the past few years, teenage girls of today are reported to have the worst eating habits.

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    The National Diet and Nutrition Survey has said that the young girls ate just only half of the recommended five portions in a day of vegetables and fruits. The study had mentioned that just 7% of the girls aged between 11 and 18 had followed the five recommended servings.

    Moreover, the diet plan of teenage boys and adults was no different. It was found that on an average, boys aged between 11 and 18 had just 3.1 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Just 13 percent had consumed that recommended portions of food.

    Meanwhile, in adults aged between 19 and 64 on an average had consumed 4.2 servings in a day and the 37 percent of the age group had consumed the five day recommended meal. Despite the study, the NDNS did not find any new nutritional problems in the general population. The experts had said that the population has to go a long way to improve the diet plans. The results of the study will be monitored by the UK Food Standards and the Department of Health.