Lance Armstrong Sternly Ignores Doping Charges Against Him


    Updated Trends: Lance Armstrong has sternly ignored and brushed off the doping charges that were placed against him, as it was published in a prominent magazine. The famous cyclist is now a subject to Federal investigation and enquiry, as the mystery around him in context to the dope charges got deeper when his team mate Floyd Landis was stripped off his title after he was found guilty in doping.

    lance armstrong doping charges

    The latest reports are substantiating Landis’s allegations, and this is where things are getting more complicated against Lance. The Sports Illustrated Magazine has published articles on its website which speak against Lance, and accuses him of taking a drug called HemAssist, which is hard to detect and is blood booster, during the 90’s.

    The American cyclists who battled cancer and returned to his sports career, managed to bag seven world titles, and he is quite angry over these charges. When asked him about the charges against him, he said “”I don’t have anything to say, I’ve perused it. There’s nothing there”. Landis in the year 2010, launched a series of allegations against Lance, stating, he had consumed banned drugs during his races, and this was specifically during the time when he rode with him during the US Postals.

    Source: AFP