G20 Summit Seoul – Canada And India Play Strong Role, Assigned Task To Help Major Economies


Updated Trends: G20 Summit Seoul – Canada And India Play Strong Role, Assigned Task To Help Major Economies

The G20 Summit in Seoul is officially over and has closed on a very soft note, way less than what was expected. Reports state that India and Canada stole the show as they have been assigned to help the major economies in the G20 in the financial and economic crisis. Canada will closely be working with the group of twenty, and is sorting out solutions for their respective crisis.

G20 Seoul India

India on the other hand, has been asked to present out a deal that will be providing most of the solutions to the problems mentioned during the summit. India and Canada are two of the strongest and stable upcoming economies who have participated in the G20, as a matter of fact they have also been given a chance to prove their nation’s importance on a global standard.

One of the main issues at the summit was the devaluation of major currencies, and at the end of the event, countries have decided that they will not go ahead with the devaluation for it will directly threaten the global economic growth. Along with this the major economies have also brought up the problem of the trade imbalances, and the various solutions to stalk it out.