5 Anti-ageing foods that should be included in everyday diet

Anti-ageing foods can be included in your everyday diet to keep your age figures away


Everyone loves to look young and have a glowing skin. However, age  and your lifestyle does matter on how you look and present yourself. There are certain things that your body demands if you wish to have a healthy, young and a glowing skin. Apart from exercise and a proper skincare regime, you also need to eat right. Here we will be discussing about a few anti-ageing foods that you can include in your everyday diet to look radiant and youthful.

  1. Green tea – Not everyone is a fan of this beverage, but it does work like magic. It is stuffed with anti-oxidants and helps to fight the free radicals in the body while preventing a number of skin problems. These anti-oxidants also prevent premature ageing, heart diseases and even neurological problems.
  2. Dark Chocolate – Chocolates have always worked as stress busters but should not be consumed in excess. Dark chocolate can be consumed in small quantities as it is not just good for health but is also great for the skin. It contains cocoa which has anti-oxidant benefits  and helps the skin to remain hydrated.
  3. Blue berries – Blueberries are taste buds friendly and are great for the health. They are also packed with anti-oxidants along with other nutrients including potassium, Vitamin C and more that help to keep ageing away. Not just blue berries, but berries are great for the skin and body and should be included in your everyday diet. They can be consumed with salads or added to your smoothies.
  4. Water melon  – This is a seasonal fruit that is common during the summer season and provides the much needed hydration for the body. It contains Vitamin C, A and E along with anti-oxidants that helps to keep the skin hydrated and radiant.
  5. Flax seeds – Flax seeds are considered as superfood for the skin and has a number of benefits too. They contain lignans that have anti-oxidant properties.

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