World Baking Day – Experts share tips on baking for beginners

This World Baking day, make sure that you follow a few tips shared by experts before you decided to bake something for your family


The World Baking Day was observed on May 17, 2022. People at had come up with the idea of spreading the joy of baking across the globe. It was specially meant for people who did not bake very often or are not very experienced at it. The day is observed to spread the awareness among people to show how much fun it could be to bake something that could turn out to be a yummy cake or a crumbly cookie. It is also a great way to spend some quality time with your friends and family. For all the beginners in baking here are a few tips that could be useful.

  1. Do not go out of the recipe – Now that you have decided to be a baking chef, it is time to begin. But make sure that you stick to the recipe that you have selected. Make sure that you don’t skip even the smallest tip like pre-heating the oven to 180 degree Celsius, or sifting the dry ingredients. Such small steps help you towards perfection.
  2. Gather all the ingredients before you begin – Always make sure that you gather all the ingredients before you actually begin the process. Measure the ingredients as per your recipe and laid them down in front of you, so you don’t go blank when you find that an ingredient is missing.
  3. Purchase the right equipment  – For baking you need to invest in the right equipment. It does not have to be expensive, but technically sound. They are important for mixing the ingredients of the cake properly and makes your work perfect with precision.
  4. Take care of the room temperature – Some of the recipes need certain ingredients in the right temperature. Sometimes, the icing part of the cake requires the room to be cool. It could vary from recipe to recipe and you need to consider the room temperature as well.
  5. Always sift dry ingredients – The dry ingredients in a recipe like flour, baking power, powered sugar and cocoa powder need to be sifted together so they get integrated together properly.

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