6 basic etiquettes to keep in mind while socializing

When you socialize there are a few basic etiquettes that you need to keep in mind


Etiquettes are not only about selecting the right kind of cutlery when you are eating different foods but it is also about respecting other people around you. There can be times when some insignificant actions can show the person’s etiquettes and can characterize them as a person. Although, you do not have to undergo a crash course to learn about them, but here we will be discussing about a few basic etiquettes that you need to be aware of while socializing.

1. Placing your bag at a restaurant – When you are at a restaurant, you can place your bag at an empty chair next to you, on your knees or behind you on the chair. Do not hang it on the chair that you are sitting and do not keep it on the table.

2. Allow the waiter to come to you –Do not shout or wave at the waiter while dining at the restaurant. If you want attention from the staff then be patient and allow a staff member to pass by.

3. Do not block the aisle at the supermarket – While shopping at the supermarket, do not block the aisle with your shopping cart and allow others to shop as well. Also keep moving and be fast with your selection from the shelves.

4. Use coasters for drinks – When at someone’s home, make sure that you place your drinks on the coasters or tissues instead of keeping them directly on the table.

5. Step aside to answer a call – In between a conversation if you get a call, make sure that you step aside. If you are standing in a queue at the supermarket, the bank or on a bus then first evaluate if it is essential to take the call. If it is important then step aside and take the call.

6. Give firm handshakes – Never try to give a limp handshake as it gives an impression of weakness and insecurity. Make sure that it is firm but not too firm. Even a light squeeze is enough.

Photo Credits: Pixabay