6 Things that will help to make work from home life comfortable and easy

Work from home life has become common but you still need to be equipped to deliver your efficiency


A number of companies are continuing to allow their employees to work from home due to the Delta variant of the coronavirus. The work from home life is indeed convenient and money saving for the employees but is still stressful in a number of ways. When at home, you are dealing with many things at the same time, but a few additions at home can make your work-from-home life a little easier.

1. A white board or a bulletin board – Create an office like atmosphere at home by bringing a white board or a bulletin board. It can be used to write down your everyday schedule and can also be a great background for the video interactions. Optionally, you can also make it a colorful space by decking it up with décor items.

2. A foot rest – A foot rest can be a great relief for your feet. You can place the foot rest below your table and can be used to comfortably place your feet. The elevated position of your feet makes you sit in a comfortable position and makes you less tired.

3. Air freshener/ incense sticks – When you have started working, make use of an air freshener or incense sticks that last for a longer time. The gentle fragrance helps to keep your mood up for work.

4. A fluffy mat – Sitting on the chair for long hours can be stressful. Bring a fluffy mat to be placed below your feet that will make you feel comfortable and stress free.

5. Hot chocolate – Have a stock of hot chocolate in your pantry. While working you might feel tired and would like to have something to deal with the temporary hunger. A warm cup of hot chocolate can be a life saver when you still have a long day left.

6. A massage ball – A massage ball can be a great way to deal with the work related stress. A spiky massage ball helps to reach deeper in to the fascia to release the muscular tension.

Photo Credits: Pixabay