Correct ways of using a pulse oximeter during the COVID-19 pandemic

A pulse oximeter can be handy while treating a COVID-19 patient at home but the device should be used in the right way

pulse oximeter

The pulse oximeter is one of the most important devices amidst the pandemic. It is one of the basic requirements that should be had in every house hold as the second wave hits hard on people. It is a simple device that measures the oxygen percentage on the blood by just pinching it on the finger. If the Oxygen percentage is 95 percent ad above, then there is nothing to worry, but of the figure drops, then it is time refer a doctor. The device is indeed useful, but only the correct way of its usage will help people not to panic. Here are a few tips that will help with the correct way of using a pulse oximeter.

1. Before taking the measurements, it is recommended to rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
2. The device has to be inserted on the index or the middle finger.
3. The other hand has to be rested on the chest and has to be held still.
4. While you are measuring the oxygen levels, make sure that your hand is stable and is kept at the same place.
5. The device has to be kept pinched in the finger till the reading stables.
6. The user has to register the highest result once the reading has been stabilized.
7. You have to identify the reading properly. The device shows the pulse and the oxygen levels too.
8. The readings have to be taken at least three times in a day and if there are any changes or if the levels drop below 93 then it is time to consult a medical practitioner.
9. If the patient is finding it tough to breathe or if the oxygen levels drop less than 93 then it is time to take them to the hospital.

Tip – If the oxygen levels drop, below 93, there is no need to panic. For patients who are recovering at home, doctors are advising to try the prone position which helps when the oxygen levels drop.

Photo Credits: Pixabay