Foods to be included in everyday diet to remain healthy and disease free

A few basic and simple foods can be included in everyday diet that can help to maintain immunity and remain healthy


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not rocket science, but is tough to keep a track. The lifestyle these days has become stressful and not many people have the time for themselves. There are also a number of people who cannot find enough time to workout or go to a spa once in a while. It is OK to take a break from your everyday routine and go out for a weekend getaway. While it is essential to take time out for exercise, it is equally important to eat healthy. Here are a few foods that you can include in your everyday diet to maintain a good health.

1. Chia seeds – Chia seeds swell up when they are soaked in water. They compliment well in a number of desserts. They are stuffed with Omega-3 fatty acids and fibre that reduce the risk of a number of heart problems. Chia seeds can also be had with curd or in salad.

2. Cucumber – Cucumber is known for its high water content. It helps to detoxify all the toxins from the body. It is great for those who are looking to shed some kilos. At any point of the day if you feel like snacking, then it is the best healthy snack that you can have.

3. Jackfruit – Jackfruit does not contain any cholesterol or saturated fats. They are packed with nioacin, Vitamin C and folic acid. People who are vegetarian can indulge in the raw jackfruit that is tossed in some olive oil and some mild spices.

4. Apple cider vinegar – Apple cider vinegar works like a flushing agent in the body. Apart from washing off the toxins, it also helps in maintaining the pH level of the body and also prevents inflammation, Apple Cider vinegar, acne and heartburn.

5. Greek yoghurt – This contains calcium and probiotics in abundance and also enhances the gut health. Since the digestive track remains healthy, it helps to improve the overall body immunity.

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