3 Ways to remove nail polish with ingredients found at home

If you have run out of nail polish remover, do not panic as simple home ingredients can come to the rescue

nail polish

It is great to have a good manicure. They look good and enhance your overall personality. But unfortunately. No matter how expensive manicure you treat yourself with, it does not last for long and begins too chip at some point of time. This is when it begins to look bad and the situation becomes even worse when you do not gave a remover and don’t know how to get rid of it. In order to save your nails with such an embarrassment there are a few ways you can still get rid of the chipped nail polish.

1. Lemon slices – For this, you need to first soak your nails in warm water for at least five minutes and keep the lemon slices ready by your side. After five to six minutes, immediately start rubbing a lemon slice in a similar patter how you would have done with a nail polish remover and cotton. The nail polish will gradually vanish and make sure that you use a moisturizer or a hand cream to restore moisture to the skin.

2. Vinegar – Take a bowl and mix lemon juice and vinegar in equal proportions. In this process too, you need to soak your hands in warm water and this time for at least ten minutes. Dip a cotton ball in the vinegar and lemon mixture and let it rest on the nails for 20 seconds. The nail color will get dissolved. After you have done this with all the nails, make sure you wipe it clean.

3. Nail Polish – Not many are aware that nail polish helps to remove the nail polish on the nails. You can use an old nail polish that you don’t use anymore. Apply the nail polish over your old nail color. With the help of a cotton ball or paper towels, wipe off the nail immediately while it is still wet. It comes off easily and effectively.

Photo Credits: Pixabay