3 Reasons To Split Up A Long Blog Post

blog post

Is Your Blog Post too Long? Here’s why you need to split it up.

If you have an active blog, chances are you have published several long blog post articles. You can effectively boost the success and performance of your blog in three ways by splitting them up into smaller publications. Let’s explore the technique that many highly successful authors use to maximize both quantity and quality.

Boost Your AdSense Revenue

Break up your blog posts into smaller pages to increase your page views. As you are aware, the more views that your website gets, the more advertising income you receive. Google AdSense and many other advertising platforms pay you per 1,000 page views. A page view is different than a website visit because one visitor can trigger multiple page views by navigating through your site. You’re paid a fraction of a penny for each advertisement that visitor encounters during their visit. When you break up your blog posts and place links to the next post, you’re encouraging these multiple views per visit. This results in higher revenue rewards for your hard work creating content.

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Increase Your Ranking Strength by Lowering Bounce Rate

Google rewards websites that have low bounce rates by increasing their ranking potential. Bounce rate is when a visitor arrives on your site from a search engine and either clicks the back button to go back to the search results or closes their Internet browser. When a user clicks into another page on your site, they are not counted as a bounced visitor.

Search engines take bounce rate into consideration when determining the rankings of your site. While it’s not the only factor, it is one of many and considered a very strong ranking factor. When your blog has a lower bounce rate, Google knows that visitors are finding what they’re looking for based on their clicks through your site. Splitting up your blog posts increases the chance of a click through to another page, which results in lowered bounce rate.

Increase Your Rankings by Increasing Time On Site

Another metric that Google takes into consideration is the factor of time spent on site. Google understands that visitors who remain on a site longer are also finding what they are looking for. Similar to bounce rate, multiple pages per blog post will ensure longer visit.

The last two benefits of multiple paged articles are considerations of positive user experience. Search engines prefer to rank sites that promote a good user experience higher in their index in order to give searchers what they’re looking for.

Begin splitting up our posts into multiple pages and start receiving the benefit of increased advertising revenue and stronger search engine ranking potential. As a final note, you’ll know a blog post is worthy of splitting up if it has multiple headings or sections and covers many different sub-topics. This is knowledge you can begin putting to use right away!

Photo: Pixabay