Kit Harington stars in new BBC series Gunpowder with Liv Tyler

Kit Harington

Fans may have to wait for another two years for the final season of Game of Thrones, but that doesn’t mean you can’t see Jon Snow on the silver screen. Kit Harington has signed on a brand new gig that will see him on television once again. Get your Kit fix this Fall with the release of Gunpowder.

Sure, it isn’t as magical as dangerous dragons and lonely Queens, but it still promises to be a pretty intense series, thanks to BCC One. Gunpowder is based on a true story that took place in the 17th century. Kit Harington’s character, Robert Catesby was a man with the plan to kill King James I as well as blow up the House of Lords. He, along with his cousin Anne Vaux and co-conspirator Guy Fawkes together play the triggered trio.

Anne Vaux is played by the lovely Liv Tyler, while Tom Cullen takes on the role of Guy Fawkes. To learn more about English history, check out “Guy Fawkes Day” that is still celebrated in the United Kingdom.

In the official trailer for Gunpowder released by BBC One, Kit Harington’s brooding voice does the voiceover, saying: “My wife is dead, my name is disgraced, my friends and family tortured and hanged. We must strike at the root. Fawkes will light the fuse and I, Robert Catesby, will blow the King and all his men to hell.” The caption for the trailer is “Autumn is Coming”.

It’s a wonder if fans will be able to see Kit Harington play a role other than Jon Snow. He’s acted in a couple of films, like Pompeii, where he was bare chested, thank you very much. However, these said projects didn’t take off as much as Game of Thrones has. In any case, if you’re getting over your GoT withdrawal symptoms, then give Gunpowder a chance. If nothing else, at least they’ve got a good-looking, talented cast!

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