10 Reasons We Love Barack Obama And Don’t Want Him To Leave


It’s the end of glorious eight years of Barack Obama’s reign as the President of the United States. In modern memory, he is probably the most loved American ruler of all. His original campaign on the road was the phrase: Yes We Can! And today, he ends it with Yes We Did! Michelle Obama, the queen of the White House and FLOTUS for all those years, not only was a big support to her leading man, but also to every woman out there who needed a dose of empowerment. As we mark the end of the Obamas in Washington DC, let’s look back at the exact reasons why we fell for the President in the first place.

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Watch the video and read the entire transcript of President Barack Obama’s last speech.

  1. Beat the odds and became the first Black President of the United States. He basically closed that dark chapter in US history on slavery and was fulfilling what Martin Luther King Jr. set out to do, but could not complete.
  2. He ordered, supervised and carried out the killing of Osama Bin Laden. America’s biggest enemy and the one that led the biggest catastrophe since Pearl Harbor on American soil, Obama had him obliterated and dumped into an unmarked watery grave.
  3. Won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2009 for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”. Though he was still criticized, there has not been an outbreak of any war during his reign, and the troops are coming back home!
  4. He was loving and comforting to children. Several times little ones have visited the White House and Barack has visited schools to show his support. And each time he leaves children happy and in awe of their President.
  5. Thanks to him, there will no longer be torture allowed of prisoners and those detained by the Government for questioning in regard to crimes committed against the American people.
  6. Sonia Sotomayor was was nominated to the Supreme Court by him. She became the first Hispanic women ever to serve as a justice.
  7. He commuted the death sentence of over 200 people in the United States, more than any other United States President in modern history.
  8. He spoke up against the Trayvon Martin shooting by police with these haunting lines: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin could have been me.”
  9. Throughout his tenure, he has not had a single scandal and has always been the family man, going to foreign and domestic tours and seen often accompanied by wife Michelle Obama. He’s brought up two daughters in the White House and turned them into successful young black women.
  10. He has signed multiple bills and put laws into effect that benefit the weaker citizens – Native Americans (Claims Resolution Act), young Black men (My Brother’s Keeper), gays (legalization of gay marriage) and women (reproductive rights).


Yes We Can!…Yes We Did!

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