10 Must-Have Super foods for Spring 2016

    Photo Credits: http://greensuperfoods.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/superfoods-1024x824.jpg

    With the mornings getting lighter and temperatures slowly increasing, it can only mean one thing: spring is here! Make sure you eat more of these ten super foods this year to boost your general health and provide your body with the nutrition it needs.

    1. Raspberries

    Packed full of antioxidants, raspberries are the one of the best 10 superfoods for spring 2016. A small handful of these fruits can help your body fight against oxidative stress induced by free radical buildup.

    2. Almonds

    Get shinier, thicker, fuller hair this spring by consuming more almonds in your diet. A small handful of these nuts contains a huge 37 percent of your recommended daily amount of vitamin E, as well as lots of copper and magnesium.

    3. Apples

    The age-old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” couldn’t ring truer. Apples are full of nutrients and can help give your skin a rosy, glowing complexion.

    4. Bananas

    Bananas are rich in potassium and vitamins, and can help to reduce life-threatening diseases from developing later in life, such as cancer and stroke.

    5. Lemons

    A natural astringent, lemons are full of vitamin C, which gives you a boost of energy and increases your immune system.

    6. Mackerel

    This oily fish should be the staple of your spring diet. It can help to fight against heart disease, age-related vision loss, dementia and prostate cancer.

    7. Eggs

    If you’re overindulged on Easter eggs, strive for the natural kind this spring. Each egg carries as much as six grams of protein but, at only 72 calories, is a healthy snack you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    8. Avocados

    Avocados contain a fat called oleic acid, which improves heart health. This superfood is low in calories and makes a great lunchtime snack.

    9. Chia seeds

    Chia seeds contain loads of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as dietary fiber. Incorporate more of them into your diet this spring.

    10. Carrots

    Carrots include vitamins A, C, K and B8, as well as pantothenic acid and folate, making them one of the healthiest super foods out there.