4 Ways to use coconut oil for hair health


Everyone is aware of the benefits of coconut oil. It is one of the most effective ingredients to treat your hair when damaged. Many have actually claimed that coconut oil works even better than the man made treatments that are availabke in the market.

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1. Coconut for healthy hair – Coconut hair works better than any other remedy for damaged hair. It is different from other moisturizers that stay on the hair while coconut oil penetrates in to the scalp and repairs from within. Coconut oil also helps strengthen hair and prevents hair loss.
2. Coconut oil as en everyday moisturizer – Just a little coconut oil on your fingers are enough to leave your hair moist and also helps to detangle long hair. Coconut oil also does wonders for people who suffer from dry scalp.
3. Coconut oil for deep conditioning – Regular deep conditioning of hair is very essential for the hair health. Take a few tablespoons of coconut oil into damp hair and scalp. Take oil according to your hair length and give your hair and scalp a good massage.
4. Coconut oil for dandruff treatment – Not many are aware that coconut oil can also help emit the problem of dandruff. Massage your scalp with plenty of coconut oil and leave it overnight and wash off with a good shampoo in the morning.

Photo Credits: vanityrich