3 Ways to keep children entertained in winter


    Winter is a time it becomes difficult for the parents to keep their children engaged at home. It does not take long for the children to turn irritable and violent due to constant house arrest. Here are a few tips, children can be engaged at home during winter.

    children winter

    1. Plan before time – You are always aware that you will not be able to know how the outside air smells like during winters. So plan before time with some fun and engaging activities which can be enjoyed by the entire family. Come up with some ideas like building a fort and board games.

    2. Check in to a hotel room – If you are bored at home then a hotel room can be cozy and a new place to play for the children. Children are usually excited to go to a hotel as it has a new set up that is different from that of your house. Children can be engaged for hours together and still be protected from the cold outside.

    3. Day trip – A day trip can be planned if the roadways are safe enough. Explore new neighbouring cities and new picnic sites which can be fun for the kids and also a refreshment for the parents.

    Photo Credits: sudburybeststart