Love Parade Techno Music Festival, Germany Experiences Stampede – 19 Killed


Updated Trends: Love Parade Techno Music Festival, Germany Experiences Stampede – 19 Killed

A sudden panicky amongst the audience in the Love Parade techno music festival in Germany caused stampede that left 19 people dead and 300 wounded.

Love Parade Techno Music

The cause of this sudden stampede is yet to known. It happened on the 600 meter-long tunnel just before the venue of the festival.

Wolfgang Rabe, the Duisburg Security Official said, “Considering all the security aspects, the crisis staff of the city decided not to immediately end the festival.”

This sour incident saddened the founder of the Love Parade, Rainer Schaller very much and he declared that this was the last Love Parade.

He said, “The Love Parade was always a peaceful and joyous party that will now forever be overshadowed by the tragic events. Out of respect for the victims, families and friends, we will discontinue the festival. The Love Parade is no more.”

President of Germany, Christian Wulff termed this incident as ‘dreadfull’.