MCI Says No To Setting Up Two New Medical Colleges In Gujarat


The decision of the Medical Council of India (MCI) has dampened the hopes of the Gujarat State Government to bring two new medical colleges. The government wanted new colleges to suffice the need of the hour.

Medical College

The Gujarat government wanted to start with the new medical colleges from this academic session due to the dearth of the seats and higher requirement.

The two colleges of Gujarat Medical Education Research Society (GMERS) are ready with complete infrastructure; all the government want is the letter of approval from the Medical Council of India.

Two other colleges K.J. Mehta General Hospital and College of Medical Science in Amargadh which had been approved earlier during the executive council meeting of MCI in March have been given the red signal by the governors of the board of MCI.

Adani Institute of Medical Sciences is the only college which was disapproved before and now has got the permission to start with the 2010-11 academic session.