Snoring toddlers more likely to develop behavioural problems?


Updated Trends: For years, snoring has been associated with many health problems in adults including obesity, sleep apnea and also a high risk of heart diseases, but a new study has revealed that snoring may also be problematic for the mental health of the kids.


It was found that toddlers who snore are more likely to develop behavioural problems like hyperactivity once they reach the school-going age. The study was published in the issue of paediatrics and researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine examined the impact of sleep disordered breathing on kids.

In a survey from parents of more than 11,000 children over a six year period, it was found that sleep disordered breathing included snoring, sleep apnea and mouth breathing. The parents were asked to fill out surveys in various intervals when their kids were 6 to seven months old and when their kids were 4 to 7-years-old.

The parents also filled out a behavioural assessment and by the end of the research, it was found that children whose sleep disordered breathing peaked at 6 to 18 months old were 40 to 100 percent more likely to develop behavioural problems.