22 Percent Indians Are Non-immigrant Population In The US


Updated Trends:22 Percent Indians Are Non-immigrant Population In The US

The total resident non-immigrant population of United States is 1.83 million, out of which around 400,000 alone were from India in the year 2008. As revealed by the recent government results.

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

The non immigrant population includes temporary workers, students, exchange visitors and diplomats, who are admitted in the country legally for a specific purpose and that too for a long stay.

India is followed by Canada with 150,000 and South Korea, 140,000. As told by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
More than 50 per cent of the non immigrants belong to Asian countries. To be precise 53 per cent are from Asia. The per cent wise division goes like this-:

India – 22 per cent, South Korea – Eight per cent, China – Seven per cent, Japan- Six per cent and Taiwan- Two per cent.

The Continent wise distribution also has Asia topping the charts with 970,000, followed by Europe with 320,000, North America -310,000 and South America – 100,000.

The reports are based on the 2008 figures.