Couples argue almost 2,455 times a year, says recent study


    Updated Trends: A study has revealed that couples indulge in arguments around 2,455 times in a year. The revelation was made by researchers, who said that the issues involved in the arguments are usually related to the age-old issue of laziness, communication problems and financial-related issues.


    The study has also said that the common reasons for arguments include rash driving, snoring or even what to have for dinner. The results of the study were calculated after studying more than 3,000 couples.

    The details of the study had revealed that the couples argued more than seven times a day. The reasons for petty arguments also included issues like their level of intimacy which was a huge hurdle for both partners. This problem with their personal life led to 87 arguments in a year.

    On the other hand, couples argued 67 times for the reason that the partner did not say ‘I Love You’. The research was carried out by Nikki Sellers, who is the head of home insurance at Esure. Sellers said that the arguments were actually a part of the healthy relationship of the partners. The survey had also revealed that the couple had argued for 88 times a year for disciplining the child. Moreover, the couples had even argued for more than 79 times to spoil the children.