iTunes Divorce application to help couples in troubled marriages?


Updated Trends: Are you from the UK and facing problems in your married life? Apple’s iTunes has launched a unique application, especially for the couples facing problems in their married life. The application is called ‘Divorce’ and guides the couples by providing details on the divorce laws of England and Wales. It costs only £9.99.

iTunes Divorce app

However, the makers of the application have said that couples must also take professional help. The results of the application may vary according to the circumstances and attitudes of the couple.

The application is designed in such a way that it creates curiosity of the user. It helps the couple to seek help in the cost of the divorce, the procedure for divorce, child care issues, finance and would even help in selecting the right lawyer.

What users have liked about the application is the simplified English language used in it, which is written by Peter Martin, who is a leading family lawyer. The makers of the ‘Divorce’ app have said that it aims to make the couples re-think over the sensitive issue. The app makes them realize, what the consequences of the divorce could be. It may even help the couple to reconcile and save a marriage from breaking. The app would indeed help the couples to re-think over their personal issues.