Osama Bin Laden Sends A New Message, Warns France To Move Out Of Afghanistan


    Updated Trends: The worlds most wanted person, Osama Bin Laden has sent a new message, and it has clearly warned France to pull out of Afghanistan. In the message he speaks, that the fate of the two French journalists who have been kidnapped, lies upon the French military’s movement in Afghanistan. The tape is an audio message and the speaker has clearly referred to France.

    osama bin laden

    The message says “We repeat the same message to you,the release of your prisoners from the hands of our brethren depends on the withdrawal of your soldiers from our countries.” Laden has stressed on the fact that France should move out of Afghanistan, as it is a part of the coalition forces.

    The speaker in the tape also says that France’s alliance with the US will prove the French costly, a straight warning to given to the nation. He warned if France does not leave their country, they will go ahead to kill their journalist prisoners without any delay. But France has not changed its motive from Afghanistan and said it will go on with its current strategy.

    Source: CNN