A Senior Al-Qaeda Leader Had Personally Beheaded Daniel Pearl


    Updated Trends: After a string of investigations have turned out to be successful, and it has been revealed that a Senior Al-Qaeda leader had personally beheaded the American Journalist Daniel Pearl. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a terrorist and a member of Al Qaeda has been arrested, and after being interrogated he has confessed that he had played an important role in killing Daniel Pearl.

    mohammed_khalid_shaikh daniel pearl beheading

    A video of the beheading had been published on the internet a month after Daniel was murdered, but the video does not show the face of the killer who separated Daniel’s head. As of now the US Authority has not yet charged Mohammed in the Pearl’s death in the year 2002.

    Mohammed confessed in his own words, “I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head” After listening to his confession, it seems he has no regrets about his wrongdoings, and he feels that the slaughter of Daniel was the holy work for his god.

    Source: CNN