Brazil Floods Death Toll Reaches 500


Updated Trends: The Brazilian floods and landslides death toll has reached 500, and this is a huge point of worry in the country, as per the authorities they say that this number is likely to rise in the future. Thousands of people are affected by the floods, and forced to move through hip high water to find higher ground, as many bodies start to emerge from various places.

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The Brazilian military has now stepped in to provide hospitality to the people who have been overwhelmed by the flood. The forces have created makeshift hospitals for people to treat the people who have been injured in the floods and mudslides.

According to the mayor of Teresopolis, he said that more three neighbourhoods have been levelled downed because of the floods and just a few houses have been left standing. One of the main reasons there was so much property damage in the region is because of the illegal buildings which have been erected by the poor people. Over 14,000 people are now left homeless, and rescue efforts are consistently being hindered by the continuous rain in the region.

Source: ThirdAge