Landslides In Brazil Have Killed 257 People


Updated Trends: Landslides have struck Brazil and some 257 unfortunate people have lost their lives, including dozens who have now gone missing. Heavy rains equivalent to flash floods struck Brazil and the worst hit town was Teresopolis, where more than 130 people were reported to be dead. Bodies of the dead people have been sent to the morgues where hundreds of families came to collect them on Wednesday.

brazil landslides 2011

Rescue workers say the condition right now in the region is quite unstable and improper to carry out the rescue work, but they promise they will resume working as the conditions seem favourable. Summer in South America is the worst, as hundreds of people die regularly each year in the continent due to floods and mud slides.

The worst affected people in Brazil are the poor who reside in the low lying regions, where floods create havoc and disaster the quickest. People who have tried to pass the region by the mountains and hills have been very unfortunate as they came under the grip of the mudslides.

Source: CBSNews