4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes South Bay Area San Fransisco


Updated Trends: A 4.1 magnitude earthquake has struck the South Bay Area San Fransisco, as of now there are no casualties or any type of structural damage reported. Scientists state that the initial strong quake was followed by a number of small ones, one of the main reasons is that the region falls under a very aggressive quake zone in the world. The quake exactly struck 13 miles south of San Jose’s City Hall, in a rocky region.

south bay area san fransisco

The tremors and jolts were felt in Santa Cruz and Martinez, as the region is always under the stream of heavy seismic activity. The epicenter of the quake was measured around 1.5 miles below the earth’s surface. The region is reported to be the same spot of the infamous 1984 temblor at Morgan Hill, officials state it is not a following recurrence to that same event.

It has been predicted that another strong jolt that will surely cause credible damage to the region will strike not before 30 years from now. It is not every time that the people witness a 4.1 magnitude earthquake in the region, but the area has always been under the threat of massive tremors.

Source: MercuryNews