Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor Claims To Have Found Cure For Aids Before Germany’s Discovery


    Updated Trends: An Evangelical Lutheran Church pastor has claimed that he had known about the Aids cure, before Germany’s discovery. The pastor claims that God himself revealed to him the cure of Aids, and that he has already cured over two dozen people. Ambilikile Masapila, is a Lutheran Minister who resides in Tanzania, and told a group of government officials that he found the cure for Aids

    aids cure

    Ambilikile has said that he had made medicine from the mixture of some herbs and a the roots of a special tree that he had discovered in year 1991. The Pastor told the media that God had told him to use these particular roots from an unrecognized tree and use them to cure aids in the year 2009.

    As of today, the pastor has claimed that he has cured 28 people in the region and some 175 people are under treatment. Pastor Masapila claims that all the patients who have been found to be HIV positive have been cured by this particular medicine. His medicine has become quite famous in the region and there are hundreds of people who are visiting his clinic everyday.

    Source: Examiner