Pentagon Metro station shut due to suspicious blinking object in trash


Updated Trends: The Pentagon Metro subway station was shut by authorities on Wednesday morning, after a suspicious object was found blinking in a trash box at the station. Police officials stated that the object was found at 7:15 a.m and resulted in the diversion of passengers, who were travelling during rush hour.

Pentagon Subway

All trains on the Metro system of the Washington area, were directed to by pass the big Defense Department headquarters. The suspicious object was found early in the morning at the station, according to the Pentagon Spokesman Robert Ditchey.

Reports state that trains were directed to pass the station, without halting, and passengers were forced to get down at different stations and walk or make their own transport arrangements to the building in freezing temperatures.

Pentagon is the centre point for several area buses. The police found the alleged blinking Christmas ornament in a trash box and later announced at 8:55 a.m that everything was safe; after one hour and fifteen minutes of investigation.