Bernie Madoff Won’t Be Attending Mark Madoff’s Funeral


Updated Trends: Bernie Madoff said that he won’t be able to attend his son, Mark Madoff’s funeral, who died after he committed suicide. Bernard Madoff has been imprisoned in the US, as he was involved in a multi billion dollar investment scam. He said that for the sake of Mark’s wife and children’s privacy, he will not be attending the funeral.

bernie madoff

His lawyer too stated that he will not be attending Mark’s funeral as it his his own personal decision and that this has considered to keep his daughter in law and grand children’s sorrowful life in privacy. Instead he said that Madoff will be conducting a personal ceremony of his own that will be in the name of his deceased son.

Bernard Madoff has been awarded a sentence of 150 years, which makes it impossible for him to released someday. Mark Madoff had committed suicide by handing on a dog’s leash by the ceiling of his apartment in Manhattan. It was shocking to discover that his two year old son was asleep in the next room.

Source: AFP