Wikileaks Revelation – Vatican Shunned From Being Involved In Child Sex Abuse Investigations


    Updated Trends: The Vatican too has been roped in by the Wikileaks exposure carnival, and it has disclosed some shameful revelations about the Catholic Church. The cables state that the Vatican shunned itself away from being involved in the Catholic church child sex abuse investigation. The cables are particularly speaking about an Irish commission, which had been investigating this matter.

    wikileaks vatican

    Wikileaks states that the Catholic head in the Vatican refused testifiers to speak to the investigation committee during the child sex abuse scam. In the year 2009, the Morphy Commission was berserk against the Catholic church, and the Vatican stated that the Irish authorities had failed to respect and protect the Vatican sovereignty during the investigations.

    To add more fuel to this fire, despite the non-support from the Vatican, the local bishops had tried to cover-up as much as they could during the scam. The cable named “Sex abuse scandal strains Irish-Vatican relations, shakes up Irish church, and poses challenges for the Holy See” has revealed that the Vatican Church felt that the Irish politicians were taking undue advantage over the religious instability in the country.

    Source: Guardian