China Against Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel Peace Prize


Updated Trends: China is repeatedly showing its anger against the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony for Liu Xiaobo, who has been imprisoned in the country for his reformation views. The Chinese are continuously protesting against the award, stating that they should discredit his award. Reports also suggest that some 20 activists have been detained by the Chinese forces, as they were attempting to block the western media in the country.

Hong Kong China Dissident Sentence

It was decided that at least 50 countries will be attending the Peace Prize ceremony, but a third of them are preferring to stay away from the event, which include Russia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The Chinese officials are also trying to halt anyone who will be travelling to Oslo, in a move to collect the prize on behalf of Xiaobo.

Chairman of the Nobel Committee, Thorbjorn Jagland, has said that this prize should not be considered as a statement or a move against China. Xiaobo has been sent to prison for his critical views against the Chinese Government and his ever stressful plea to bring reformation in the nation.

Source: BBC