Another attack on pilgrims in Iraq


Updated Trends: Another attack on pilgrims in Iraq

A deadly attack in Karbala, Iraq killed around 1 people and left at least 38 others severely injured. According to sources, the incident took place at a busy street and the ministry informed that the car bomb blast was targeted on Shiite pilgrims.

Another attack on pilgrims in Iraq

Reports state that many of the pilgrims who have been victimized had come from Iran. The exact spot for this bomb blast was a city bus stop where the Iranian pilgrims’ buses drop them for their pilgrimage.

Karbala is considered to be one of the holiest cities by the Shiites and is always on a target by the Sunny Muslims because of their internal wars. The city is also experiencing foreign pilgrims’ outburst since past two years, since a drop in the violence in the city was reported.

Another bomb blast targeted police patrol and took place outside a restaurant in central Baghdad’s Karrada district. The blast left four wounded, out of which two were police officials and the other two were civilians.