President Barack Obama’s Visit To India, Defense Restrictions To Be Discussed


Updated Trends: President Barack Obama’s Visit To India, Defense Restrictions To Be Discussed

US President Barack Obama will be visiting India very soon, and it looks that one of the most important subject, of the nuclear defense and defense technology restrictions will be discussed during his trip. According to some reports, it is said that some top officials have stated, that Obama is on the verge of relaxing the controls imposed on India’s defense and nuclear exports.
President Obama India Visit

It is the controls that were issued by the Clinton administration over India in the year 1998, after India conducted it’s second nuclear test and caused a wave of worry in the western countries. After the controls on defense equipments, the private sector was hit hard in terms of contributing technology to the country. The Indian private sector today is developing only basic military and other defense hardware, as they need to tie up with Russian and European counter parts to step into an advanced stage.

This is directly hampering the growth of in India in the defense sector, as other countries in the world are developing their defense technologies at a faster rate. So this time the Indian government will be looking ahead towards Obama’s announcement to relax these controls, after which India can freely develop its defense technology and structure to match the global competition.